Gun Dog Training
Where bird dogs have the opportunity to express themselves in the natural world.

Where bird dogs have the opportunity to express themselves in the natural world.
Take a drive, load your family and your dog up in the car, drive out passed the city limits towards the eastern plains of Colorado, where Red tailed hawks soar. Nestled between big country skies and rolling hills of the prairie you will find Kiowa Creek Kennels gun dog training facility. Gary Ruppel, gun dog specialist, and his family will be awaiting your arrival.
Whether you are an avid bird hunter interested in bringing your hunting dog's natural talents out in the bird field or just a dog lover that needs direction with your dog, Gary Ruppel offers a specialized hunting dog training program based on each individual dog and their family. Kiowa Creek Kennels gun dog boarding is also available for your dogs!
So come on out, let's take a walk and let your dog explore the natural world.
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